Directeur Genéral M. Lonhoudjo's vision is to expand his reach into the community and provide training that leads to employment. On graduation, students receive help from BIO-BENIN to find employment or to set themselves up as entrepreneurs. He is the classic example of an entrepreneur who gives back. His boundless energy has led to his becoming an expert cook, learning how to brew beer and setting up an organic farm.
La vision de M. Lonhoudjo est d’étendre son champ d’action dans la communauté pour former les gens et les aider à intégrer le marché du travail. Quand les étudiants de Bio-Benin reçoivent leurs attestations il les aide à trouver de l'emploi ou les encourage à faire l’entrepreneuriat de leur choix. Il est une example classique d'un entrepreneur qui aide les autres. Sa force lui à amener à apprendre comment brasser la bière artisanale et de faire le maraichage organique.
JULIE C. WANGChairman of the Board and Treasurer
Président du Conseil d'Administration et Trésorier Ms. Wang’s time in the Peace Corps from 2012-14 in Benin, West Africa, led her to work with M. Lonhoudjo. She continues to work alongside Guillaume to manage BB’s finances and help encourage donations to support the activities of Bio-Benin. Before coming to Benin, Julie was founder and president of Wang Associates Health Communications in New York City. She is a trained landscape designer and an avid organic gardener.
Pendant son affectation au Corps de la Paix de 2012-2014, Mme Wang a travaillé avec M. Lonhoudjo pour l’aider à réussir avec son restaurant et faire plus de bénéfices. Maintenant, elle continue de travailler aux cotés de Guillaume pour l’aider avec les finances et d'encourager les dons pour aider le travail de Bio-Benin. Avant d'arriver au Benin, Julie a gérer sa propre entreprise de marketing à New York. Elle est entrainée comme dessinateur des jardins et passionée du jardinage organique.
NORMAN RIDDELLMember of Advisory Board
Norman worked in foreign aid for Senegal, Mali, Guinea and Mauritania and with the African Development Bank. He advised the governments of Ghana, Morocco and the DRC and also served as an international management consultant and as a deputy minister in two Canadian provinces.
JENNIFER KAINZMember of Advisory Board
Jennifer Kainz joined the Peace Corps in 1994 and served as a forestry volunteer in Manta, Benin. She holds a master's degree in conservation biology, and is currently running a nonprofit organization tackling food waste while managing the marketing for her family’s brewery outside Chicago.
Paul KeherlyMember of Advisory Board
Paul Keherly has always had a passion for empowering the disadvantaged to realize their potential, while working in Japan, Singapore and the UK. Since moving to Montreal, Canada, he works with Accueil Bonneau, a homeless charity, to install the technology needed to streamline client intake and assistance programs.